wolfgang wrote:
> i have been trying to catch those for a while, partly successfully.
> thanks for the chickenpox hint, that looks like a good add-on.
> while fiddling with my rules, i noticed something strange:
> rawbody SOMERULE /\bmai\|\b/
> will not work
> rawbody SOMERULE /\bmai\|/
> will. same with rules that start with \b\|
> with \b before or after \| they won't work and even stop other rules
> from matching apparently. can someone confirm and/or even explain
> that? 
> regards,
> wolfgang

\b means "word-ish character on one side, non-wordish character on the other"
| is not a word-ish character

So \bmai\|\b will match mai|er but not mai|
A better way to match the "end of a word, considering | to be word-ish" might be

and to match beginning of a word

Matthew.van.Eerde (at) hbinc.com                 805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./HireDiversity.com         Software Engineer
perl -e"map{y/a-z/l-za-k/;print}shift" "Jjhi pcdiwtg Ptga wprztg," 

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