In an older episode (Friday 15 April 2005 02:02), [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> \b means "word-ish character on one side, non-wordish character on the 

good explanation to help me understand my misconception, thanks.

> | is not a word-ish character

i was aware of that, but tried to "consider | to be wordish", exactly (which 
was even unnecessary in case of mai\|).

> A better way to match the "end of a word, considering | to be word-ish" 
might be
> \bmai\|(?:\W|$)
> and to match beginning of a word
> (?:\W|^)\|etter\b


In an older episode (Thursday 14 April 2005 02:31), Robert Menschel wrote:

> Use the command
> > ./spamassassin -D -t <testfile >outfile 2>msgfile
> and peruse the msgfile output ... you will at least have a full list
> of all the subtests that fired

and thanks for that one, too. that subtests list was very useful when trying 
to debug why arithmetic metarules didn't do what i expected, and the subtests 
were the wrongly used \|\b\| ones.



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