Jean Caron wrote:

Kevin, your assumption is correct, user accounts are on the server and spamc is used. I already have the central DB setup using bayes_path in
I think what you are saying confirms what I suspected, but it's still not 100% clear. Even though I have a central DB, all users must train it individually, is that it ?
For example, if UserA populates the shared folders respectively with ham and spam from messages he/she received, if UserB trains the central DB against those msgs, it will have no effect for UserA ? All users must individually train the central DB even though they train using the same msgs from the same shared folders ?
Sorry if I seem a little dense, but I think I'm getting it. I hope !

If you have bayes_path set, then all users should be using just the one DB, and any training that one user does will affect the results for all other users. So, presuming that the permissions on the Bayes files are set correctly so that all of your users have access to it, it would seem that you do have things set up properly.

It is possible that the database is corrupt. Have you in fact determined that most or all of your false negatives are due to low Bayes scores?

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