Le 02/09/2021 à 20:49, Bill Cole a écrit :
so what is the real problem with sa-update not working under spamassassin's own user when on a cron job on debian 11 ?

You need to run the sa-update cron job as the same user that INSTALLED SpamAssassin, the user who OWNS the local state directory (i.e. /var/lib/spamassassin.) You can make that happen by properly modifying the ownership of the directory or by running the cron job as root.

This was also my answer to the (not-a-)bug report that you opened. There really isn't another answer.

On 03.09.21 00:55, Jean-François Bachelet wrote:
of course it was installed by root, btw, what is the point to have a user 'spamd' or debian-spamd' created if it is of no use ?

IIRC at some time in the past, debian moved from statically created users
for various services and debian-spamd user was created dynamically when
spamassassin got installed.

in this case the spamd user have all the needed rights to read-modify-execute on the /var/lib/spamassassin directory that its own, the job is run under that user and that don't work ???

chown /var/lib/spamassassin/ to debian-spamd.

the debian spamassassin's package uses this user for running sa-update from
cron script.

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