I am starting over with a clean install of SA on an AWS Linux2 EC2.  I'm am struggling with getting Bayes set up correctly.  I have a very old bayes_toks file from a Jam Windows install from about 4 years ago.  I created a userId for spamd, and I put the bayes_toks file in /home/spamd/bayes.  I set the bayes_path in local.cf to /home/spamd/bayes/bayes.  I changed the file owner to spamd:spamd.  I get the error message:

     cannot open bayes databases /home/spamd/bayes/bayes_* R/O: tie failed

I tried running the Spamassassin from the command line as sudo, and get the same error.  So I don't think it's a permissions issue.

So I moved the file out of the folder and now get:

     no dbs present, cannot tie DB R/O: /home/spamd/bayes/bayes_toks

So in the first case it finds the file but can't open it.  I found some posts on forums that suggested there's a possibility the file is so old the format is obsolete.  Fine with me.  At this point, I just want to start clean.  But I can't find a way to start using bayes from scratch with no toks file starting off.  I even did another clean install on a separate ec2 to see if SA would create an initial  toks file. But I couldn't find one.

My old toks file is probably of marginal value now anyway.  I just need to know where to find a brand new toks file to put into my bayes_path folder so it can start building up the ham/spam file and start contributing to my SA scores.

Where do I find a starter toks file?


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