Rick Macdougall wrote:

Neil Watson wrote:

On Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 10:24:47AM -0400, Steven W. Orr wrote:

their mail rejected by sa. I have been adding whitelist entries like crazy but I really loathe having to disable spam rejection by spamass-milter.

Rejecting spam is not a good idea. Most of the time you end up spamming some poor sod who has been joe-jobbed. Discard spam. Don't add the to problem.


While this has been discussed before, I don't think rejecting spam at the smtp level is a bad idea, ie 551 - We think this is spam. How ever, bouncing spam after the smtp acceptance is a bad idea.

Since most spam is coming either from infected PC's or spammers dsl connections, rejecting at the smtp level is usually not a bad idea. It also allows for legitimate email that is marked as spam to be returned to the owner, if you just make spam vanish to /dev/null you may find you have some very unhappy clients further down the road who are wondering where that letter from the Legal department is.



Not only that, but if Steve had been discarding spam, neither he nor his friends would have been aware of this problem.

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