On Thu, 2 Dec 2021, Dominic Raferd wrote:

I have a score-reducing algorithm for SA based on known 'good' senders. From a simple one-address-per-line file (which can easily be manually or automatically edited) is built a local_welcoming.cf file which is used by SA - with lines like this:

header LOCAL_WELCOMING_4 From =~ /(\@myfriend\.com|jennifer_smith\@btinternet\.com|\fred321@gmail\.com)>?\s*$/i

But this is a just a short example with 3 addresses. In reality I have a single line with c.2000 addresses all concatenated like this, and it is growing.

The tools available in the MTA may be easier to leverage for this than SA - for example, something like matching the envelope sender to a pattern or list in a dynamic database and modifying the message if it hits.

In that case you have the option of conditionally adding a custom header to the message prior to passing it off to SA for scanning. Then you could have a SA rule that hits on something like "header X-LOCAL-WELCOME-SENDER-salt exists".

You could also potentially hard-whitelist those senders in the MTA and just bypass SA scanning for them entirely, but that does have the downside of accepting spam from them if their account gets hacked, for example.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
 jhar...@impsec.org                         pgpk -a jhar...@impsec.org
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  Unregistered Lobbyist: Someone who gets involved
       with something the MSM doesn't approve of.         -- WizardPC
 5 days until The 80th anniversary of Pearl Harbor

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