On 5/5/22 10:46, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 05.05.22 um 17:37 schrieb Thomas Cameron:
I understand that turning knobs without understanding the consequences can do bad thing, but almost all of the spam that gets through SA on my server has SPAM_99 or SPAM_999 set in the headers. It is obviously spam, so I don't really get how it wasn't flagged, but it wasn't. What are the risks of giving more weight to SPAM_99 and/or SPAM_999? Explain it like I'm five, sorry, it's probably something simple that I just don't understand

when your bayes is well trained just raise it

the risk is simple: when you bayes isn't trained well or poisend (autolearning is the root of all evil) you risk FPs

we milter-reject at 8.0 points and BAYES_99 + BAYES_999 are 7.5 points since 2014, the most junk collects the remaining 0.5 points with other rules and the few FP typically hit some DNSWL/SPF rules with negative score

well, our bayes has 160k messages....

Many thanks! I appreciate the response!


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