> This is the first time I've noticed the protocol broken up by line breaks!

Standard hack, been around for a month or two now.  I think we may have a
SARE rule for this, if not we will soon.  The trick is that breaking http up
with cr characters (not actually newlines) causes SA to not spot it, but it
still works for everyone else for some reason.  I'm also including the
double-at catcher, since on 2.6x (and possibly 3.x) the double-at causes it
to fail to match as a URI.

For ME, these hit only spam.  SARE mass-checks show that the double-at rule
can hit a small amount of ham.  You may want to score accordingly.


#test for @@ in internal image id link
# can't do this with a uri test, it stops on the second @ sign!

rawbody  LW_DOUBLE_AT /IMG SRC="cid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[\w\.]+"/i
score  LW_DOUBLE_AT 1
describe LW_DOUBLE_AT strange internal image link

#test for carriage return in a uri
# this will fail in a uri test as the uri terminates on the cr (or a second
@ for that matter!)

rawbody  __LW_URI_CR1 /href=\"[^"]*\r[^\n]/is
full  __LW_URI_CR2 /href=\"[^"]*\r[^\n]/is
meta  LW_URI_CR  __LW_URI_CR1 || __LW_URI_CR2
score  LW_URI_CR  2
describe LW_URI_CR  unescaped cr in uri

full  LW_URI_CR2  /href=\"[^"]*\r[^\n]\w+\r[^\n]/is
score  LW_URI_CR2  2
describe LW_URI_CR2  unescapred crs in uri

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