On 6/27/22 2:50 PM, Alex wrote:


I'm looking for input from people on how they handle attachments, and people using email as a file transfer service.

My opinion is that you shouldn't rely on using email as a file transfer service until /after/ you've tested that it works.

One of our users must have posted to a job site recently, soliciting resumes from people internationally. This resulted in 100+ emails from random people who had never emailed this user before, many of which had no subject and no body, just a PDF attachment. Some had the "Sent by my iPhone" signatures, but that's about it. Virtually all of them were tagged as spam due to bayes.


Any recommendations? There wasn't otherwise anything wrong with the attachments - they were all legitimate resumes from legitimate sources.


Should they be blocked?

I don't think so.

By your own description, these seem like perfectly legitimate email. Admittedly the content was a little questionably formatted.

Should I retrain bayes to not consider these spam? I'm now training bayes with them as ham, but it will take a lot to offset these. Same with emails that only contain images.

I don't know what the /technical/ solution to this particular use case is. However these messages /sound/ legitimate to me.

Should an email with only an image attachment with no subject and no body but sent from a legitimate source and otherwise not dangerous be considered spam?

These don't sound like spam to me.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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