On 2023-02-28 at 22:46:54 UTC-0500 (Tue, 28 Feb 2023 19:46:54 -0800 (PST))
Richard Troy <rt...@sciencetools.com>
is rumored to have said:

Hi All,

I've been subscribed for ... close to 15 years, I think? Heck, 20 is maybe possible! ... Just reading I have learned a hell of a lot, thanks to this community, but have never posted before. Now's the time, though, because I really need some help and am not sure where to look for it. (I've already done the basic searches - if I've missed something, I apologize.)

Very recently our entire /var tree got wiped out due to a bug in a backup script someone was testing, and not only on our primary system but also on our alternate (backup) system too. Ouch! We've had to do a complete rebuild and apply what we can from backups.

We have pretty good backups, mostly, but on /var? Well, you learn how good your backups are when you have a disaster just like this! And, it turns out, we didn't have a recent local.cf (or, for that matter a lot more). (We now backup /var and EVERYTHING in /! ... Good advice, now that disk space is dirt cheap!)

What was local.cf doing on /var? The standard location is in /etc/mail/spamassassin/.

The reason for posting is ultimately that the above denoted directive was working fine as I was trying to rebuild things - namely:

   rewrite_header Subject [SPAM]

But at some point as I made some edits, SA continues to work, and honors everything else in the file so far as I have noted so far - such as required hits, which is directly above it - but the subject is no longer "rewritten" to include the above noted label.

The critical missing fact: what mechanism do you use to integrate SA into mail delivery? In some cases (e.g. MIMEDefang) the 'glue' layer actually handles header modification. In other cases, the glue may explicitly load its own config files and/or run as a special user with a bespoke user_prefs file.

People have come to depend on it (because we don't move it to an alternative "folder" for them) so... Presuming this is NOT the place, where do I find help?

If 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' and searches of the wiki and list archives don't answer a question, this is the best place to come for help. No one can guarantee that you find a solution here, but it's the best place to look.

Or, if someone just recognizes this, please do reply! All input welcome, thanks.

I'd never bothered to try before, but since I'm here and you have the background, and I know it's slightly off topic: Is there an easy solution to delivering / moving spam to a specific "folder" not involving Dovecot on a Fedora / Postfix system?

SA knows nothing about mail delivery. Postfix only knows a few ways to deliver mail, none of which involve delivering one recipient's mail to multiple different places based on content.

Any solution has to be specific to whatever mechanism you use to access delivered mail, i.e. your IMAP server or a local MUA or ???. If you have an IMAP server other than Dovecot, it probably has a documented mechanism for non-INBOX delivery which you will need to use. Consult the docs for whatever you use.

If your mailstore uses mbox or Maildir, the unmaintained antique software named "procmail" could be used for delivery. As an antique myself, I use it, but I cannot in good conscience recommend anyone else adopt it de novo.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Not Currently Available For Hire

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