On 15/09/23 17:35, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

On 15.09.23 15:31, Riccardo Alfieri wrote:
Yes, at previous $dayjob. Applied on the submission MSA, it proved to be useful in mitigating the fallout when users got their credentials compromised.

can you describe it more?

Well, I checked the connecting IP of a client againts AuthBL *before* "permit_sasl_authenticated" (IIRC) in postifx and when users got their credential compromised (that  happened more times than I would have liked) I'd say more than 95% of connections from auth abusing botnet were denied. This mitigated a lot the spam exiting from our outbounds and helped us not ending up being listed in the more "trigger happy" dnsbls around :)

Best regards,
Riccardo Alfieri

Spamhaus Technology

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