uri     __ADB_CPN_LINK /\.campaign\.adobe\.com\/r\/\?/
rawbody __IMG_SRC_CID   /<img src=\"cid:\d/

describe ADB_CPN_ABUSE Possible malware link
score ADB_CPN_ABUSE 2.5000

Establishing a rule for "CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE" is ineffective, it can be
false positive. Since I don't have visibility into all headers, consider
create rules based on specific headers or other rule that match these.
Append these rules to the meta-rule and boost the overall score accordingly.


On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 5:53 PM natan <na...@epf.pl> wrote:

> Hi
> I have a SpamAssassin version 3.4.6
> And I try resolv two problem
> 1)I put eml with spam and learn SA like:
> sa-learn --spam /root/spamik/
> In /root/spamik/ is 4 e-mail
> Worsk great but after 7 day i must learn agin like SA forgot what he
> learned
> 2)I have a problem with one type a spam like:
> https://paste.debian.net/1300865/
> beacuse:
> contents - random
> from - random
> IP - random
> The construction is only somewhat similar like base64 + html and png
> All wass signed by DKIM
> And I had to work around it in the following way but it is not a solution
> rawbody  EMAIL_20231207    /(necessary to delete the message
> completely|email message and any attachments are intended|automatically
> archived by Mimecast|sender and take the steps necessary)/i
> describe EMAIL_20231207    Spam fake IQ password
> score    EMAIL_20231207    2
> rawbody  EMAIL_20231207_1   /FONT\-FAMILY\:Arial/
> score    EMAIL_20231207_1   0.1
> rawbody  EMAIL_20231207_2
> /BORDER-LEFT\:0\;MARGIN\:0\;PADDING-RIGHT\:0\;BACKGROUND\-COLOR\:white\;font\-stretch\:inherit/
> meta     EMAIL_20231207_ALL IQ_EMAIL_20231207_1 && IQ_EMAIL_20231207_2 &&
> score    EMAIL_20231207_ALL 2
> Any idea ?
> --

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