
I recently checked the performance of the DecodeShortURI Plugin an noticed
some oddities:

*) snip.ly seems to need url_shortener_get

*) fb.me always responds with 200 even with GET and User-Agent set

*) t.co seems to respond with 200 if User-Agent is a "valid" Browser, but
with 30x redirects if I use plain lwp request. So currently the plugin
always sees 200 and is not usable with short_url_200(). Looks like it needs
a config option to set a second/alternative User-Agent for some shorteners.

*) .app.link seems to use JS to set window.top.location and always returns 200

*) linktr.ee seems to always return 200 ... doesn't even change to location

*) lnkd.in returns 200 for all external URLs which do not point to
linked.in itself presenting a warning page. Not usable with short_url_200
as well.

*) qrco.de seems to always return 200 and uses JS magic to load the pages

Especially the t.co behavior hurts a lot and limits the use of

Greetings, Wolfgang

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