I haven't had a chance yet to read this thread carefully, but spamd when run as root in tests will, at least in some cases, set itself to run as user "nobody". If you do that in a subdirectory of your non-nobody user's HOME, the usual permission configuration will not provide read access to nobody and the test will fail.

Basically, the only tests that should be run as root are the t/root*.t tests, and even those have comments in their source telling you about running under a directory with world read permissions, and those tests are not run by default, being used as part of our release testing on machines that do not run SpamAssassin in production.


Bill Cole wrote on 4/04/24 3:46 am:
On 2024-04-02 at 18:18:09 UTC-0400 (Tue, 2 Apr 2024 18:18:09 -0400)
Scott Ellentuch <tuct...@gmail.com>
is rumored to have said:


Trying to install SA 4.0.1 from scratch. Tried via CPAN, that didn't
well, so trying from tarball. (Enabled SSL when doing Makefile.PL)

NEVER run 'make' as root except when you're ready to commit with 'make
install' unless you're doing it on a sacrificial system.

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