On 18.06.24 13:50, Anders Gustafsson wrote:
body LOCAL_PORN_RULE   /word1|word2.....|x69-JOOGA/i
describe LOCAL_PORN_RULE       This catches peter's porn spam

Funny thing is that it seems to trigger on messages that contain none of those 
words. I have removed the
actual words so that my message will not be regarded ass spam ??????

Wonder if it is that last word that matches some regexp??

This can happen in case of incorrect regular expression.
Maybe uf you posted it here, we could see the error.

run spamassassin -D < mail 2>/tmp/mail.err
and you should be able to see which string matched

Finally, SA recommends using multiple rules with small scores instead of single rule with huge score.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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