W dniu 2024-06-25 15:55, John Hardin napisał(a):
On Mon, 24 Jun 2024, Mark London wrote:

I received a spam email with the text below, that wasn't caught by Spamassasin (at least mine). The text actually looks like something that was generated using ChatGPT. In any event, I put the text through ChatGPT, and asked if it looked like spam. At the bottom of this email , is it's analysis. I've not been fully reading this group. Has there been any work to allow Spamassassin to use AI? Thanks. - Mark

In a very limited manner. There is code in the repo that allows you to set up ham and spam corpora and scan the spam corpora to pick out common phrases and filter them via the ham corpora, then create rules.based on the phrases and (IIRC) combinations of them.

This was being used to generate dynamic fraud rulesets (the "sought" rules, still somewhat there as ADVANCE_FEE rules which I occasionally manually update) until Justin Mason left the project. It's been languishing since as he was providing the resources (infra and maintenance) to run it for those rules. I was feeding those corpora for a long time.

Take a look in the repo at the stuff under:



I don't know whether the project would be willing to set up infra to revive dynamic advance fee fraud (or more general) rule generation, but it's possible if someone was willing to bring that code up-to-date and figure out what was needed and corpora providers were available.

This code still works, at least for me. I'm using my own corpora.

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