On 2024-07-17 at 13:17:16 UTC-0400 (Wed, 17 Jul 2024 10:17:16 -0700)
Kirk Ismay <k...@ismay.ca>
is rumored to have said:

I have a spammer using a malformed From header, as follows:

From: <UPS>sha...@marketcrank.com

The envelope from is: direcc...@delher.com.mx, and I've set up blocks for that address.

Sendmail is munging the From: header to change <UPS> to <u...@my.host.name>, so it ends up looking like a local address to my users.

How do I detect similar mangled From headers in Spamassassin?

I believe SA already has a more general rule that will catch the *BAD* form, but depending on how you've integrated SA and Sendmail, it may only see the "cleaned up" form that Sendmail provides. I believe SA sees the unmolested headers only in a milter interface, NOT if you've got it hooked into a mailer.

If not, here's a rule that should work:

header FROM_ANGLE_UNQUAL  From =~ /<[^<\@]*>[^\@]*\@/

Also does anyone know how to prevent Sendmail from rewriting the From header like this?  The documentation for confFROM_HEADER is a somewhat cryptic:


I'd rather it say <UPS@suspected-spammer> instead, or reject it entirely.


Remove FEATURE(always_add_domain) from your .mc and remake sendmail.cf. Consult the Ops guide and/or cf/README for all of the effects of that.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo@toad.social and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Not Currently Available For Hire

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