Matt Kettler wrote:
> Mike Schrauder wrote:
> >I have sa 2.63 on debian woody using the filter account to protect
> >...
> >This was about 2 years ago and it has been working VERY well.  Now some
> >more spam is getting through and I have two questions.  
> >1.  how scary for a novice would it be to apt-get upgrade spammassassin
> >to 3.0.2-1 and expect everything to keep on working?

On Debian if you upgrade the Berkeley DB libraries on the system you
will need to upgrade the SA bayes databases using the db4.2_upgrade
upgrade command in the db4.2-util package.  Change the 4.2 in that
name to the exact version you are moving to after a Berkeley DB
upgrade.  The BDB file format upgrade has always worked easily for me.

This is really outside spamassasin and is controlled by the underlying
system perl in use.  If you don't change the perl BDB libraries then
SA won't change BDB formats either.  But better knowing this than
searching for it later.  But don't fear it.  It is not a serious
problem.  I would definitely upgrade to SpamAssassin 3.x.

> 3.x has some configuration option changes, which are documented in the
> upgrade file:

Good stuff in the UPGRADE file.  The only real thing I remember
needing to change here, there may have been others, it was quite a
while ago, was the -P option going away.  But really everything worked
well and any problems were very minor.

One thing I did was to remove all of the custom rule processing I had
added with the 2.6x series and started out fresh with only the stock
3.x rules.  Then tweaked up the scores such as increasing the bayes
score points.  Almost all of the additional rules I had installed into
2.x are now standard in 3.x.  So things got quite a bit simpler.


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