I think the connection is that the infected machines are sending out this political spam and not that they are sending the actual virus.

>>> "Chr. von Stuckrad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/15/2005 12:19:39 >>>
On Sun, May 15, 2005 at 10:59:12AM -0500, Steven Stern wrote:
> I received about 500 on the webmaster account.
> Now we know what "sober" was all about.

I see *no* connection to any Virus or Trojan!

I got about 200 of them into a few accounts and
seemingly I'm receiving more every few minutes.

BUT I do *not* think it is more than 'Propaganda'!
It mostly is just one URL of a genuine Article
of a german Newspaper (only the 'collection' of
Articles and tendency of subject making it 'political').

No attachments seem to be sent and our Mail-filter would
have 'eaten' anyway all the current Sober-Viruses/Variants.
(I'm pretty sure about that, I'm its admin)

Stucki (postmaster at math/inf/mi.fu-berlin.de)

Christoph von Stuckrad      * * |nickname |<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  \
Freie Universitaet Berlin   |/_*|'stucki' |Tel(days):+49 30 838-75 459|
Mathematik & Informatik EDV |\ *|if online|Tel(else):+49 30 77 39 6600|
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