Gerald V. Livingston II wrote:
On Sun, 15 May 2005 18:19:39 +0200 Chr. von Stuckrad wrote:

On Sun, May 15, 2005 at 10:59:12AM -0500, Steven Stern wrote:

I received about 500 on the webmaster account.

Now we know what "sober" was all about.

I see *no* connection to any Virus or Trojan!


No attachments seem to be sent and our Mail-filter would
have 'eaten' anyway all the current Sober-Viruses/Variants.
(I'm pretty sure about that, I'm its admin)

He didn't mean the messages CONTAIN a virus/trojan.

Over the last 2 weeks a new "sober" worm variant was released and infected
tens of thousands of clueless Windows user machines.

The current wave of political spam is being sent out through those infected

It would be really nice if all the ISPs of the world would get together and
create a comprehensive database of all residential IP address pools
maintained in dnsbl fashion. Something the owner of an IP block could add to
or remove from (with encrypted pass protection) *easily* when IP's are
reassigned. Blocking direct, unauthenticated, SMTP transactions from
addresses on that list would stop 90% of virus transmission and a large chunk
of spam as well.


Many already do... I know mine does, along with the local cable co. (I'm on dsl)


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