"Ryan L. Sun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/25/2005 01:33:19 PM:

> Hi, all
> I am using spamhaus sbl+xbl RBL and dsbl RBL. It seems they got too
> much false positive, especially dynamic IPs.
> Do you guys know how can I get all the dynamic IP range on internet,
> or is that possible?
> Any other RBL suggestion? False positive is critical to me.  I can
> accept 40% catch ratio using a RBL with as low as possible false
> positive.
> Thanks.
> -Ryan

Yeah, I tried the spamhaus sbl+xbl list a while back, it lasted one day, way too many FP's for me.  Their sbl list is much, much better.  Spamcop used to have a lot of FP's for me as well, not sure if it has gotten better or not.  As for dynamic IP's, I use dul.dnsbl.sorbs.net, seems to be doing a very good job for me here. Overall I think I use about 6 different RBL lists.


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