Jeff Chan wrote:
Pardon the dramatic title, but hopefully it got your attention.

This guy's domain got listed by Outblaze, we removed it, and as
thanks this guy paints us as irresponsible.  Please help us
straighten him out, gently:

I gave it my shot.

Ironic, considering that a lot of the "spam" I get is because of blogs. I'm talking about URL referrer spamming. Some of my webstats have been rendered totally useless thanks to these idiot referrer log spammers. That all started because spammers latched onto the "TrackBack" feature (the blogosphere method of "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours") of some popular blog software and ran with it.

Annoying stuff. :(

So, it would be interesting to see if this blogger posts updated information letting his readers know exactly what happened in the end.

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