Rick, nice to hear good words about NetAccess.  I will definitely say hello
to Gary and Tim.  You must have left long ago (I have been with NetAccess
with more than for 5 years).

As of SA we use.

I will look into using RDJ rulesets since nobody minds :-)  And Bayes as

We don't use SURBL network tests because we use RBL lists from mail server

Thank you very much for offering a help if needed.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick Macdougall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <users@spamassassin.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2005 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: A question

> Irina wrote:
> >Thank you all for answering me.
> >
> >I found one link that may be very interesting
> >(http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/CustomRulesets)
> >
> >
> >
> >I first should mention, I am a new SUBSCRIBER, not a new user to SA.  I
> >been using it for a couple of years.  Over that period I have created
> >thousands of LOCAL_ rules (if I go and grep on describe or score in
> >/etc/mail/spamassassin.... :-).  If you only saw my MISSPELLES.  The bad
> >thing I was not writing it professionally, as I used \d+ for example, or
> >many | inside one rule.  In short, they work, but not polished.
> >
> >What I found that creating own rules can be so competitive with a new
> >coming in.  As you know spam messages change every minute or so.  What I
> >trying to achieve?  Free up my time.  There are few things I've thought
> >about.
> >
> >I have been collecting spam (before discarding) for almost a month.
Wrote a
> >little program to rewrite LOCAL_ rules that were found and will not
> >the ones that were not caught.  And I am about to redo all.
> >
> >Next, I thought if there is a place for automatic uploading rules, then
> >be notifying me and I would reload SA.  That is what I asked in my email.
> >It is bad that I want to free up my time by using somebody else's rules.
> >Sorry, but may be someone shares.
> >
> >I also have NOT used Bayes.  Don't know how safe it is.  Would I just
> >a spam message and I don't have to anything else, or ham the same way?
> >sure.
> >
> >Thank you again.
> >Let me know what you think.
> >
> >
> >
> Hi  Irina,
> I'm an ex-NAS user myself (left because the ISP I work for now had DSL
> for me for free, no other reason.).
> You should not feel bad for using the RDJ rulesets (other people's
> rules) and you should also look into using Bayes as it can help
> dramatically.
> I hope you are also using the SURBL network tests at that will also
> catch about 80% of the spam that comes in.
> If you need any help with anything SA related,  feel free to ask and you
> can call me directly (I'm up by King's Forest).
> Say Hi to Gary and Tim for me and tell Gary that I found a good home for
> the servers I offered him.
> Regards,
> Rick

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