Thank you for the report but is it fair to run masses for filtering
phishing emails ? Phishing emails are not sent using the same bulk mailing
software spammers use. Spammers most of the time dont even understand SMTP
451 retry but phishermen do. Also, phish doesn't go with spam and ham..its
seafood for godsake :)

> On Mon, Jun 20, 2005 at 01:58:52AM +0200, mouss wrote:
>> >Here is my custom spamass rule file  to block Phishing emails. Please
>> note
>> >that this is aggressive and you may want to lower scores. But I refuse
>> to
>> >lower scores for my mail server :)
> FYI:
>   27218    23226     3992    0.853   0.00    0.00  (all messages)
> 100.000  85.3332  14.6668    0.853   0.00    0.00  (all messages as %)
>   1.029   1.1367   0.4008    0.739   0.79    3.50  MURTY_PHISHING2
>  20.450  17.9842  34.7946    0.341   0.41    3.00  MURTY_PHISHING1
>   1.249   0.5339   5.4108    0.090   0.17    4.00  MURTY_PHISHING3

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