> Thanks.. I just wanted to also verify the format of the over rides..
> For instance.. if this is the rule I want to override:
> header   SARE_ADLTSUB6 Subject =~ /(?!\bfuck)\bf.?u.?c.?k/i
> describe SARE_ADLTSUB6 Apparent spam seems to contain porn subject
> score    SARE_ADLTSUB6 3.500  # type=obfu
> I simply add to my custom or create a new custom lets say called:
> 10_custom_scores.cf
> score    SARE_ADLTSUB6 8.500  # type=obfu
> is that correct??  Just a list of the altered scores??
> >From your response I take it that SA will assign the highest
> found score??
> Not: run thru the sets in order assigning the last found score?

No, SA assigns the LAST found score. That's why Joanne suggested calling
it zzz-myscores.cf so it would sort LAST in the folder.


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