On Jul 15, 2005, at 3:19 PM, Loren Wilton wrote:

If that username starts with six digits, it hits that rule, as shown

in Loren's example.

Ah, here is the From header:

From: 360° Skin Care <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Not 6 digits, but maybe the degree symbol is contributing. I'll advise not

to start the username with 360°.

No, you misunderstood again.  The part the rule is hitting on is the "XXXX"

in the above example line.  Since the rule hit, I'm assuming this wan't

really "XXXX" in the original mail, but more like "100000001monkeys" or the


Nope. It's a four letter name, like FRED. It didn't seem to be relevant to include the real full email address. Please let me know if you need it.

This is also why I asked if you were referring to the Message-Id header since that is the only address that starts with six digits.

I'm not sure what I keep misunderstanding. Can you elaborate?

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