At least a dozen of our users got emails last night with subject "1" (no 
quotes), a minimal header, and a MIME body with a text/html part containing 
just "1" and an attachment 1.txt .  A sample is included below, with only the 
recipient address and domain altered.

I am guessing it's a broken spam zombie, but naturally some of my users are 
worried that it's a virus.  I tried to write a rule to mark them as spam, and 
ended up with:

header __PT_1SUB         Subject =~ /^1$/
header __PT_1MPM         Content-Type =~ /multipart\/mixed/
meta PT_1MAIL            __PT_1SUB && __PT_1MPM
describe PT_1MAIL        weird attachment 1.txt
(score to taste)

However, I was unable to match the filename in the MIME header, even with a 
"full" rule.  According to Matt Kettler:
> full - entire message, with all headers, all mime segments, 
> and no decoding.  Just raw, as it was on the wire.

Why doesn't this work, then?
full PT_1ATT             /filename..1\.txt/

Pierre Thomson

Received: from ([])
        by (8.11.6/8.11.6) with SMTP id j6N2iX723331
        for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri, 22 Jul 2005 22:44:33 -0400
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 11:44:32 +0900
To: "Username" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Username" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 1
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;

Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit



Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="1.txt"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="1.txt"



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