Loren Wilton wrote:

what is the \b for?

Word break.  There has to be a space or some other "non-word" character
following the things in parends.  Which is why peinss manages to not be hit.
Word breaks are usually used to keep from hitting on unexpected things, like
the middle of a word that is benign.  Offhand I'm not positive that it is
needed in the given rule.  But I suspect that it was probably put in because
something there would hit where it shouldn't if the \b wasn't there.

I may hit "The penist", "Lepeniste" and probably other words, but is this really important? how many ham would contain those? I'd be interested in seeing the results of different mass checks, with and without \b.

otherwise, it may be intersting to add the same rule without breaks but with a lower score?

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