Hello Jack,

Tuesday, August 9, 2005, 6:15:22 AM, you wrote:

JG> I am trying to pass CNN "breaking news" alerts through the filters. My
JG> user_prefs contains:
JG>         whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
JG> and even
JG>     whitelist_from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
JG> The problem is that they are sending mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
JG> and it is being flagged as spam. What is the easiest way around this?

1) Grab the SARE whitelist config file, which uses the
whitelist_from_rcvd directive rather than whitelist_from, and includes
an entry for
> whitelist_from_rcvd [EMAIL PROTECTED]  cnn.com  # C.N.N.
See http://www.rulesemporium.com/rules.htm#whitelist

2) If you have other important non-spam emails from CNN coming from
other @*.cnn.com email addresses, send me copies with full headers, so
I can add them to the file.

That way others will benefit besides you (though you're more than
welcome to use the sample above for your own use if you want).

Bob Menschel

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