On Tue, 2005-08-09 at 13:37 -0400, Rob McEwen wrote:
> When is Bulk "Bulk"?
> The reason I ask is because I have a client who sends unsolicited e-mails to
> prospective clients. But he does this manually by visiting relevant web
> sites and then one-at-a-time, he personally e-mails these prospective
> clients. I don't consider this spam because it is not bulk and my client can
> actually tell you who he e-mailed that day and why.
> Still, this is a very slippery slope... what happens if he e-mails 50 such
> addresses that he manually spotted using a generic form letter? Would that
> be spam? I'm thinking "yes".
> ...However, if these e-mails are sent one at a time and individualized to
> the recipient in a way that could NOT possibly be computer generated (not
> another "I visited your web site and I think its great" statements... but
> meaningful content that only a person with knowledge of the recipient could
> write)... in that case, I think he is ok, even if most of each letter came
> from a generic "template".
> Maybe there are no hard & simple rules... but I'd sure love some additional
> advice?

Spam is often called UCE - "unsolicited commercial e-mail."  If it's
commercial, and it is unsolicited, and it's e-mail, it's spam.  If you
are off-loading your advertising costs onto *my* e-mail system, it's a
sure-fire way to make sure I never use your product or service.


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