On Tue, 2005-08-09 at 23:06 -0400, Rob McEwen wrote:

> I applaud both of your tenacity in your fight against spam... but do you
> really think that the average user is going to be soooooo offended by the
> particular message that I originally described on this thread if received
> only once?

Goddamn right I will.  If you send me UCE and through some miracle it
somehow manages to get through all the spam blocking tools I have in
place, your company or organization is permanently and irrevocably
doomed to never get any business from me.  You're spending *my* money to
advertise to me, and that seriously pisses me off.  If I want your
product, I will do research.  If your product is the best in its class,
I will buy it.  If your product is spamvertised, your screwed getting me
as a client.


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