I am using sendmail as my MTA. Is there any option
or additional packages to block the spam mails or to
move it some folder instead of user's mailbox when
identifying as spam mail.

--- Forrest Aldrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Depending upon what MTA you're using, I have used
> the Spamass-Milter 
> successfully to block emails that rate at or above
> the required_hits 
> level (now named required_score).
> Though I'm having some trouble with SA as per my
> last post ;-)
> jdow wrote:
> > From: "suresh kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >> hi,         Thanks for the response for my
> earlier question.
> >> I don't want the spam mails to be delivered to my
> >> mailbox and to block from the mailclient using
> the
> >> filters . I want to discard those spam mails when
> they
> >> are identified as spam by spamassassin or to move
> them
> >> to a common place other than the user's mailbox 
> for
> >> verification .
> >> Can We do that using spamassassin . If possible
> kindly
> >> assist me in doing that where and how to set it.
> >>
> >>      Your earliest answer will be very useful to
> me.
> >>                                Suresh
> >
> >
> > Suresh, at the risk of being overly repetitive,
> "No, you cannot
> > block mails with SpamAssassin. All you can do is
> score mails so
> > that some other agent can look at the score and
> dispose of this
> > mail accordingly. I have OutlookExpress feeding
> the spam to the
> > spam folder it maintains. I could have it delete
> the spam. It's
> > also a simple thing to delete the spam with say
> "procmail" when
> > it is in your processing path. But SpamAssassin
> does not delete
> > mail. It only scores it and marks it."
> >
> > {^_^}
> >

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