> What version of Postfix are you using?

I am using the latest version 2.2 of Postfix

> What method of integration are
> you using for SA and Clamav?

SA is called similar to this.

Clamav is called like this.

> You might be able to use the built-in content inspection of Postfix.
> Something like:
> In /etc/postfix/main.cf:
> header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/spamheadercheck
> In /etc/postfix/spamheadercheck:
> /^X-Spam-Status: Yes/ REJECT

Or in my case, something like:  /^X-Spam-Level: ********************/

I am not clear as to exactly when email is injected into SA from Postfix and
then when it is re-injected back into Postfix.

Are you saying that Postfix header_checks are done AFTER Postfix sends the
email to SA and AFTER SA is done testing the email and not BEFORE Postfix
sends the email to SA for spam testing? I had thought that Postfix did all
content inspection before sending to SA. If Postfix header_checks is done
after SA, that would be great and may be a perfect solution because no
additional software layers would be required.

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