Greg Allen wrote:
> Spamcop admins are idiots. They have always had issues with
> allowing major ISPs such as Hotmail to be listed.

No. Spam is spam. Just because it comes from a major ISP does not lessen
that fact.
If a major email provider or ISP is a source of spam then they should be

> Spamcop users are idiots too. When you have end users pushing
> the 'this is spam' button when they get an email that they
> don't like from their own friends or family, well... you get Spamcop.

That's a lovely generalisation and bears little relation to reality. Maybe
you have a bee in your bonnet about spamcop, but insulting all its users is
not going to help 

> Well, some dumb cow that had about half a brain and thought
> she was a computer genius would report spam to her virtual
> business email address to Spamcop. She ended up getting us
> listed for SPAM when we were not the source, we were just
> forwarding whatever email to her (spam filtered with SA
> even). When she saw the very few spam emails that did get
> through to her that had the ****SPAM**** and a message at the
> top of the email telling her the email was forwarded from us,
> she would report it to Spamcop!

We've had similar issues in the past, but user education can help mitigate
this. Unless you are getting a lot of spamcop reports you aren't going to be
blacklisted immediately anyway

> As a result, she got our server blacklisted several times and
> affected about 400 users. I went round and round with her
> telling her to knock it off.

So cancel her account. It's not spamcop's fault that $user doesn't read
their usage policy or listen to you

>> I've had a rash of FP's in the last few days from hotmail users whose
>> servers are listed at  I know it's not a SpamAssassin
>> issue per se, but as this DNSBL gives a healthy 3 points to every
>> mail, it drives some ham over the threshold.

Maybe your threshold is too low or your spamcop score is too high?

Mr Michele Neylon
Blacknight Internet Solutions Ltd
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