I prefer to send it immediately which makes the updates of DCC and
razor even faster.

How do you do it? Do you report back automatically every detected SPAM? That shouldn't be done, as I read from the homepage.

Not out of the box, I agree with that. I am using 3 threshold levels
and tested, trained and fined tuned the whole system for a while
before I turn on the auto reporting. Everything above a level, is auto
reported with a hit rate of 99.99%. I use a dedicated machine to
redirect, report and hold that SPAM for a while for this job only.
Everything in the middle I pass it through a couple of scripts,
analyze it, and what is left of it (not really much) manually report
it or take action against it to not enter the site again, but that
depends on the case. Did I also mention the use of quite a few SPAM
traps and grey listing (both are very effective).

What I am not so sure of is the SpamCop reporting. It seems that its a complete waste since the black list that
maintains is not getting updated by any of those reports.

AFAIK, spamcop sends e-mail to the admins responsible for that IP, and so it should help that ISPs get reports of zombies, relays, and so on. It fights on another level, but that one should be quite effective.

Only if you are a registered (paid) user, then it is definetly worth
reporting and things are listed relativly fast (I have a few
objections to the exceptions he is making in favor of a large and
pretty well known site, SPAM is SPAM no matter where it comes from)
but I guess overall, its as you say it is. If you are not a
registered user though IMHO then its a waste of resources.

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