From: "mouss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

jdow a écrit :

Am I alone in having a perception that using mimedefang and amavis-new
is its own punishment?

why do you say so?

(I should have said or instead of and. "And" is REAL punishment even if
"or" is not. It may not even be possible.)

The short story:
I've been watching this list.

The long story:
I decided long ago that I was seeing too many people having problems
with auto-learning spam and ham back with 2.<mumble>. That led me to
decide never to use that "abomination". This decision seems to have
served me very well. (I also never expire. I train sparingly and

Now the number of annoyances people report, not getting markups they
thought the should and the like, has me wondering the same thing
about these particular filters. At the time I started using SA what
I had available was procmail. My .procmailrc is still fairly small,
although my personal one is used to feed pests, chiefly list pests,
to their own dungeons. In theory if a dungeon is not updating from
time to time the rule is obsolete. But with only 6 or 10 of them,
who cares? As it is I get all my markup and I can even do custom
tweaks in procmail so that if spamd hits one of the perl eval bugs
triggered by I can feed the message direct through
spamassassin itself.

{^_^} I guess Joanne is a bare metal type at heart.

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