On Donnerstag, 22. September 2005 22:24 email builder wrote:
> How so?  I can't believe you don't hear me when I say for the 100th
> time that services like ours that have a lot of users who expect to
> communicate with hotmail users cannot use an RBL in the MTA if it
> lists hotmail.

Larry said it already:
> There are RCVD_IN_SORBS_* rules in 20_dnsbl_tests.cf for each of the
> various SORBS lists.  The ones for RCVD_IN_SORBS_SPAM are commented
> out. 

We're also having lots of customers communicating with hotmail.com, 
didn't get a report of problems for months. Just pick the "right" 
rules. If the RCVD_IN_SORBS_SPAM doesn't fit you, don't activate it, 
it's disabled by default (I guess for a reason...).

mfg zmi
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