From: "Matthew Lenz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Matt Kettler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Matthew Lenz wrote:
is it possible to enable the addition of the x-spam-report in all emails?

Well, there is no "X-Spam-Report" header made by SA's default configuration.

huh? it addes it to spam by default

Can't be done acto the docs. The X-Spam-Report header is only added to
spam. How it is added is handled by the report_safe option.

If you want this for testing then use "spamassassin -t". If you want
it for everybody then you cannot use spamc/spamd. You'd need to use
spamassassin itself and add the -t option explicitly.

Please RTFM, "man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf", for more details.

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