John Hodson wrote:

After having used Spamassassin with mime-defang for some considerable
time, with no problems, we are suddenly experiencing serious performance

Last thursday, after effectively being mail bombed, which caused max
mimedefang children to be spawned, and mail coming in at such a rate that
the box basically couldn't handle it.

Whilst trying to debug, we found we had an old (and potentially
vulnerable) version of clamav installed.

We decided to upgrade all CSW software, and did a "pkg-get upgrade".
Having solved the mail overload itself, we now find that mimedefang
children are spawned, but take so long to return that the machine is
basically dead, and all mail is backed off with "please try later",
forcing us to disable mime-defang/spamassassin. mimedefang/clamav runs
just fine...

Only clue I have is that if I run sa-learn, it takes minutes to respond at
all, and in the output appears "Parsing of undecoded UTF-8 will give
garbage when decoding entities at [...]/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line
182" - although I suspect this message is a red herring...

OS: Solaris9
spamassassin: 3.0.4
Sendmail: 8.13.4
clamav: 0.87
mimedefang: 2.52
perl: 5.8.7

I am getting desperate, so any help very much appreciated!



What version of the perl module Net::DNS is installed ?


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