Title: AWL maintenance...

I just though I’d share this with everyone. 

I noticed that our backend MySQL data instance was running a little slow recently with more of a load on it.  This instance is shared between 4 front end servers so I figured maybe we were getting a little more of a load.  It turns out that AWL had a couple million entries in it.  This was understandable as we process a lot of mail.

What I discovered though was 90% of the emails were one time emails.  Weather spam or ham, they were one time.  So we decided to clean it using a basic rule (2 or less emails with an average score above our threshold of 5 --- i.e a totscore of 10 or higher and a count < 3).

i.e. SELECT count(*) FROM `awl` WHERE count < 3 and totscore > 10

so we ended up deleting the 90% using:

DELETE  FROM `awl` WHERE count < 3 and totscore > 10

We noticed that the overall load dropped a lot.  I think it was just the sheer number of rows that caused our initial slowness.

I know there are others out there running AWL with MySQL.  So I figure eventually they will hit the same issue.

(crontab now once a month).


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