Michael Parker <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Loiterman wrote:
>> FreeBSD vesion 5.4
>> SA version 3.1.0_3
>> Perl version 5.8.7
>> I keep getting these errors when spamd tries to work with the mysql
>> db I setup: 
>> [2615] dbg: bayes: database connection established
>> [2615] dbg: bayes: found bayes db version 3
>> [2615] dbg: bayes: unable to initialize database for root user,
>> aborting! [2615] dbg: bayes: not scoring message, returning undef
>> [2615] dbg: bayes: opportunistic call attempt failed, DB not readable
>> I've checked that the db name, user, host, and password are correct
>> about 1000 times.  The db exists, can be logged into, the tables are
>> there and it seems completely functional, expcept for this error. 
>> For now, I'm using root, so there shouldn't be any problems.
> Somewhat odd.  You failed to mention what version of MySQL you are
> using, what version of DBI/DBD::mysql you are using, that might shed
> some light.  Also, a little fuller debug, including the output from
> spamassassin -D --lint might help.
> Michael

Mysql 4.1.15
DBD 3.0002
DBI 1.48

I can't get the --lint output into a file....but it doesn't say much else
besides what I've listed above.

I am so frustrated.  I can't get anything to work.  I've been wrestling with
this all night.  Grrrrrr.

Mike Loiterman
Tel: 630-302-4944
Fax: 773-442-0992
PGP Key: 0xD1B9D18E

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