jdow wrote:
>>> jdow wrote:
>>>> ===8<--- This set of rules nails it cold.
>>>> header JD_SIMPLE_EBAY_SPOOFa    From =~ /(\"|\.|\b)ebay(\"|\.|\b)/i
> Actually I wanted to catch " or . or blankness. And my head keeps
> trying to make \b be blankness. If \b is boundary which includes
> " and . in the definition of boundary that's fine. Otherwise I
> like my way better.

By "blankness" do you mean whitespace?  That's \s...
>From =~ /(\"|\.|\s)ebay(\"|\.|\s)/i

If you also want to include "beginning of the string", that's ^...
If you also want to include "end of the string", that's $...
>From =~ /(\"|\.|\s|^)ebay(\"|\.|\s|$)/i

Matthew.van.Eerde (at) hbinc.com               805.964.4554 x902
Hispanic Business Inc./HireDiversity.com       Software Engineer

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