Not a solution but a few thoughts since we have LN here as well.

Domino servers add a hell of headers to email messages that might confuse the Bayesian engine.

Forwarding internet mail from one LN account to another DESTROYS RFC2822 headers. Copying preserves.

LN clients can access IMAP mailboxes (sort-of undocumented hidden feature). sa-learn can be fed through a call from fetchmail accessing an IMAP mailbox+folder. (I think the latter is documented in the Wiki.)

You may widen the autolearn thresholds so that fewer messages are fed automatically to the Bayes DB.

Another issue I have is that we have 2 loadbalanced exim servers for tagging spam, yet I would like to keep the bayes DB the same on both hosts. Did anyone ever come
up with a solution to this problem?

Yes, a RDBMS backend for the Bayes database (MySQL here). Otherwise you might elect one server as "master" and align DBs nightly (spamd restart!). Or stay with mis-aligned Bayes DBs: if your servers route a lot of msgs/day (n*10k) and are round-robin balanced, they'll be statistically identical. Same goes for AWL, if used.


|    QRPp-I #707  + +  I QRP #476   |
| SpamAssassin-based email antispam/antivirus solutions |
 \    Italian/English-to/from-Croatian translations    /
  \                   Skype: pcravero                 /

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