
at work, someone dropped a flyer about the product mentioned in the subject on 
my desk...

seems to be one of those linux-based "appliances", meaning, 1U rackmount box 
running linux, a smtpd of unknown brand, a spam filter, and some f-prot based 
mail scanner...

the leaflet itself is full of hot air, and almost totally devoid of any 
substance, for example sentences like his (translated from german):
"the ProofPoint Spam Detection (TM) module uses the ProofPoint MLX(TM) 
technology for automated learning (pat.pend.)" which in itself doesn't tell 
me that much about why/how this would be better than a bayes-based filter in 
combination with the usual blacklists...

So, has anyone here seen/touched this thing before?

For me, the only strong point with it seems to be the combined 
firewall/AV/spam scanner thing (waitaminute... single point of failure??), 
and the web admin frontend which can generate colorful pie charts about 
spam/virus statistics (which, of course, can be printed on overhead films and 
used to increase the IT budget...).

Anyone ever seen one of those?


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