From: "Gene Heskett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Greetings folks;

I just installed RulesDuJour, and ran it once by hand.  It wasn't
labeling the subject line, so I edited my to turn that on,
didn't change anything else, but now a 'service spamd restart'
fails with this error message nomograph:

Starting spamd: [20715] warn: Value "ax-conn-per-child=50" invalid for
option m (number expected)
[20715] warn: Unknown option: a
[20715] warn: Unknown option: c

And spits out the rest of its --help message.

However, 'spamassassin --lint' returns clean in about 4 seconds.

Humm, /etc/sysconfig/spamassassin had an .rpmnew appended, fixed that.
Which is odd as removeing that startup SPAMDOPTION in the
/etc/init.d/spamd file didn't get rid of the message.  Odd indeed.
Also, the startup says there should be 5 (-m5) copies of spamd running,
but a ps -ea|grep spamd only finds 3. Another one of those things that make
you go hummmm, I guess.

Any comments on how to reduce the hummmm?

I suffer from lack of informationitis here.

What is the line that starts the spamd service?

The above suggests you have a typo somewhere. Like maybe something
like "-m ax-conn-per-child=50" instead of "-max-conn-per-child=50".


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