List Mail User wrote:

>       Do you have any idea (or even better, measurements) of what the FP
> rate would be if you 4xx'd it instead of 5xx'ing - i.e. how many of those
> FPs are corrected before the MTA re-delivery timeout period (yes, I know
> that many sites use less than the recommended 5 days).

I have no idea. However, on a related note, I've always wanted to add a feature
to milter-greylist to greylist based on RBLs. DULs, XBL and spamcop would be
truly great lists to do a greylist based on. It's been suggested and is on the
milter-greylist todo, however nobody with time has had enough provocation to do
it. (I myself lack spare time to work on it at home.)

Using greylisting you'd delay their mail, but they'd be able to deliver even if
they still are in the RBL if they retry after the greylist timer expires. This
differs slightly from using a list as a 4xx, in that delivery doesn't require
delisting from the RBL.

I currently do selective greylisting using IP ranges (apnic, lacnic) and RDNS
name regexes (dialup-esq RDNS) and nearly all the mail I greylist never retries
at all. I can't afford the delays of greylisting everything, but I could afford
it with a RBL that's 99.5% or more spam.

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