Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> Matt Kettler wrote on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 17:12:50 -0500:
>>There's all different degrees of trust and more ways to go about it than we 
>>count here :)
> I think simpler. Either I trust it or not, so either I use it or not. :-)
> Kai

Personally, I have yet to find a single RBL that's sufficiently accurate and FP
free for me to begin to consider it for use as an MTA layer rejection criteria.

But I consider using a RBL for MTA block an act of extreme trust.

FWIW I'd require at least 5 nines of S/O to consider using an RBL as a block.
Ideally I want it's FP rate to be on on the same order of magnitude as mail loss
due to hardware failure on a reasonably redundant server (note: I'm talking
probability of unrecoverable data loss, not percentage of uptime).

The only RBL close to that accurate in the SA testing is XBL. No RBL is 99.999%
accurate, Even XBL is only 99.994% (which rounds to a S/O of 1.000 in SA's
STATISTICS-set1.txt, but if you re-extrapolate the raw numbers it is 272715 spam
hits, 14 nonspam hits, or S/O 0.99994 which is still only 4 nines, not 5)

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