Jim Knuth wrote:
> Hello spamassassin-users,
> I use mysql for spamassassin (with amavisd-new).
> since I changed the format of the tables (SA)
>  awl                     InnoDB
>  bayes_expire            InnoDB
>  bayes_global_vars       InnoDB
>  bayes_seen              InnoDB
>  bayes_token             InnoDB
>  bayes_vars              InnoDB
>  of InnoDB, I don`t see no entrys in bayes_token, the table is
>  empty. Is it normal?
>  OS Debian stable, SA 3.1, amavisd-new 2.3.3, MySQL mysql Ver
>  12.22 Distrib 4.0.24

You give very few details about your configuration (ie which bayes
storage module you are using) so I will have to assume you are using

If that is the case, I'm not surprised you are having issues.  That
storage module, as stated in the documentation, does not support the 4.0
version of MySQL.  Try upgrading and see how you do then.

If the assumption was incorrect, then no it is not normal and you will
have to provide more details.


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