> For the local.cf settings, my local.cf file seems pretty inocuous:

Depends on precisely what you mean by 'inocuous'.  At least four of those
settings are invalid.


> #
> # rewrite_subject 0
> # report_safe 1
> # trusted_networks 212.17.35.
> # Bayesian Auto Learn
> auto_learn 1
> # Safe Reporting
> safe_reporting 0
> # Full/Terse Reporting
> use_terse_report 0
> # Subject Tag
> subject_tag *** Warning: Junk Mail ***
> # Rewrite the Subject
> rewrite_subject 0
> # Use Bayesian Filtering
> use_bayes 1
> # OK locals
> ok_locales en
> # OK languages
> ok_languages en fr de ja
> # Required hits to be marked as spam
> required_hits 5
> Is that where you think the // is coming from?
> Thanks,
> Miles Muri
> > I had a similar issue last week.  I had inadvertantly set the DNS
> > to an internal DNS server with forwarders to the outside, rather
> > than to a real outside DNS server.  Once I changed to a bona-fide
> > outside DNS provider, all my network tests worked properly.
> >
> > You also need to fix those invalid settings in your local.cf,
> > although they are not causing the network lookup problems.
> >
> > RO
> >

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